
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nerf Dart Tag Sharp Shot - Internals Guide!

This guide will serve as a reference for the internals of the Nerf Dart Tag Sharp Shot.

For a detailed review of the Nerf Sharp Shot, click Here.

Nerf Dart Tag Sharp Shot - Exterior Shell Removal

Nerf Dart Tag Sharp Shot - Internal Components

Nerf Dart Tag Sharp Shot - Reverse Plunger System


  1. @ Sg Nerf Can you do a modding/ disassembly guide for the toytech predator PR-1000? It is available in Jakarta I think. Because I want to increase the power of it because it is a paintball gun that can shoot nerf darts and also, there are caps on it but I can't take them off and disassemble the gun.

  2. spike,

    I don't have that particular blaster.

    In case you are not aware, paintball guns and related equipment are illegal for individual ownership or unlicensed use in Singapore (where i live). I only post up mods for blasters that are legal here.

  3. mbryanawesome,

    Just the standard mods... remove AR, change to stronger spring, improve plunger o-ring seal etc.

    Imho, if your new blasters are only shooting 5ft, then you most likely got faulty ones, exchange them at the store for new working sets.

  4. Can you make a mod guide for this?

    1. JeremyArifin,

      Sorry, no plans to make any mod guides for this blaster. I don't use it so i've already traded it away anyways.
