Mods covered:
- Air Restrictor (AR) Removal
- Plunger Rod Air Release Seal
- Plunger Padding
- O-Ring Replacement
- Voltage Increase
- Aftermarket Spring Replacement
Disclaimer: Modify at your own risk. Modifications may wear out or damage your blaster. Please be careful when using hobby tools!
:: AR Removal ::
Step 1: Disassemble your Stampede. Make sure to remove all the screws before detaching the casing.
Step 2: Disassemble the plunger mechanism components and remove the plunger rod from the plunger casing.
Step 3: Use long screwdrivers and a hammer, carefully knock out the Air Restrictor (AR) assembly from both ends of the plunger and bolt.
Left Photo: Stock Air Restrictor / Right Photo: Air Restrictor Removed.
:: Plunger Rod Air Release Seal ::
Look at the front and back of the plunger tip, notice the 2 air release holes?
For a better air seal, use super glue or epoxy glue to seal both of them.
:: Plunger Padding ::
Without the AR, there is no air buffering system to cushion the plunger on bolt impact.
This results in very high wear and tear on the plunger and bolt casing, by both normal firing and dry firing. Due to repeated direct impacts on the bolt (hence the loud cracking sound during firing) over time, the bolt and plunger may become damaged.
Therefore, padding should be applied to the plunger to help cushion the impact.
In the following photo, i attached a 20mm diameter soft bumper padding to the tip of the plunger.
The 20mm diameter soft bumper pads i used in the above example are from a brand called "Volkmar-Fix", they can be found at most common hardware shops.

:: O-Ring Replacement ::
To test the plunger air seal, block the bolt exit and try to push the plunger rod into the plunger casing, if the air seal is optimized, there should be some resistance in the plunger. It should still be able to move smoothly when the bolt exit is not blocked.
If the plunger seal is loose, simply replace the stock o-ring with a more air-tight aftermarket o-ring.
From my experience, the plungers in different Stampede units can differ slightly in diameter, therefore you will have to test various o-rings to find the ideal ones that fit properly for an air-tight seal.
Photo Left: Aftermarket O-Ring / Photo Right: Stock O-Ring
:: Voltage Increase ::
The voltage feed to the Stampede's motor determines its speed and torque.
To increase the Stampede's Rate of Fire (RoF), simply increase the amount of voltage to its motor.
In my examples, i choose to use 14500 size 3.7V Li-Ion Rechargeable Batteries (Brand: TrustFire / Unprotected versions) for all modded Stampedes.
I prefer to use these type of battery sizes due to their versatility in usage. Because of their AA compatible size, they can fit into multi-slot AA battery holders, and are not just limited to specific hobby or modding usage, they can also be used other devices like CREE torch lights or even to replace normal batteries in compact electronics devices (with proper voltage matching).
Such batteries can be installed in the original Stampede battery sled without additional modification, simply use AA or 2AA to D-battery converters, or use multi-slot AA battery holders.
14500 size 3.7V TrustFire unprotected Li-Ion rechargeable batteries can be charged up to 4.2V each, so i use 4 of them in a 4AA battery holder to get around 16.8V of power.
Notice how little space these rechargeable batteries require. :)
These 14500 size Li-Ion rechargeable batteries are compact and lightweight. Although their 900mAh capacity are low compared to other batteries, i've tested sets at full charge and have managed to fire around 40 x 18-dart clips worth of foam darts before the battery sets require recharging.
That's more than 700+ shots per charge, more than enough for most Nerf games.
As a reserve, i usually just carry an extra spare set for extended Nerf games or when the first set is recharging.
:: Aftermarket Spring Replacement ::
One way to increase the speed of air delivery through the bolt is to replace the stock spring with a stronger aftermarket spring.
There are many different springs with different sizes and spring force ratings. Spring choice will depend on your usage.
The examples below show the stock spring compared with 3 other aftermarket springs.
Photo (Left-Right): Stock Spring, 6kg load Spring, 9kg load Spring, 13kg load Spring.
Tested effects and usage of the various aftermarket springs shown above:
6kg load Spring- Works with 9V but RoF will be reduced by 50%, recommend >12V for better RoF.
9kg load Spring- 9V has difficulty moving the plunger, 12V gets normal RoF, recommend >15V for better RoF.
13kg load Spring - 12V has difficulty moving the plunger, 15V gets normal RoF, recommend >18V for better RoF.
Note that the above voltages are tested with TrustFire 14500 unprotected Li-Ion rechargeable batteries. These unprotected Li-Ion batteries have high discharge rates which are necessary to provide the required torque to the motor to handle heavier spring loads.
Be advised that protected versions or regular Alkaline batteries may not have high enough discharge rates (separate factor from voltage) to enable the motor to pull such heavier spring loads.
For an optimal balance of RoF, range and reliability, i currently use 9kg load aftermarket springs with 16.8V power on my modded Stampedes.
Photo Top: Stock Spring / Photo Bottom: 9kg load Spring
:: Modified Nerf Stampede - Test Fire & Range Testing Video ::
All the above modifications will result in this...
:: Sample Test Fire Data ::
PTG: Parallel-To-Ground (Shoulder height, no elevation)
ATG: Angled-To-Ground (Aimed higher, 30 degrees elevation)
Distance is measured at where the dart lands (Average of 6 darts).
Stock Stampede
PTG = 20 ft
ATG = 30 ft
Modded Stampede (AR Removal & 6kg Load Aftermarket Spring)
PTG = 45 ft
ATG = 60 ft
Modded Stampede (AR Removal & 9kg Load Aftermarket Spring)
PTG = 60 ft
ATG = 75 ft
Modded Stampede (AR Removal & 13kg Load Aftermarket Spring)
PTG = 70 ft
ATG = 85 ft
Note that the tests were done under controlled conditions with customized foam darts. The results are sample estimates for reference (your results may differ depending on materials and mod techniques used).
Hi, i'm quite curious where to get the o-ring and 9kg spring u're using. any help would be much appreciated. thnx
ReplyDeletehey, im thinking about putting a BBB spring in my stampede, what's the load of a BBB spring, and do you think thats a good idea?
ReplyDeleteAre you worried that the motor will burn out?
ReplyDeleteThis happened to many people's Vulcans when they increased the voltage
I cant wait to see the brass breach. If it is air tight it could make 90 to 100 feet.
ReplyDeleteWhere did you get your O-Rings? Also, what Nerf weapons do you have in your arsenal? I'd like to see a pic. If you can fit them all in one picture:)
ReplyDeleteI had decided to drill out the a.r. instead of punching it out. it left a bigger whole than what you show. will that reduce the distance in the shots I get since the hole is bigger?
ReplyDeleteWhat would the range be with only air restrictors removed? How many jams does it get in 100 shots?
ReplyDeleteDo you know where i can get a 9kg load spring Online?
ReplyDeletewhere can i buy the springs and the batteries at, also what can you a demo for the nerf alpha trooper sping Mod?
ReplyDeletethx for guide :)
ReplyDeleteI've no idea of the spring load for the BBB spring... i guess you'll just have to test it out and see how it works on both stock voltage and increased voltage mods.
ReplyDeleteThe stock motor durability and lifespan is what i'm testing out with all my various voltage increase and higher spring load mods.
I'll update my finding after more testing and usage of the modded Stampedes.
ReplyDeleteUsing a drill to remove the AR and getting a larger channel through the bolt should be okay.
So far, i have not noticed much significant difference in performance between Stampedes with different AR removed channel widths.
ReplyDeleteWith just ARs removed, range should improve by at least around 5-10ft.
The significant improvements in range are when stronger aftermarket springs are installed.
As for jam rates, so far my modded Stampedes have been relatively jam-free. Out of say 100 shots, i often have perfect shooting throughout and no jams at all.
On the off-chance i do experience a jam, its usually due to a badly bent or damaged dart that didn't chamber properly. So the important thing is to discard damaged darts and only use proper working ones.
I would consider a Stampede that jams often as a faulty unit, there is probably something not working properly within the system and should be fixed.
ReplyDeleteThe aftermarket springs i use for my mods are sourced directly from local spring manufacturers in Singapore, they are not available online for purchase.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Nerf Alpha Trooper, they are not available in Singapore yet and i don't have a set to review or mod.
Will post up info about it if i do manage to get a set. :)
instead of replacing the o ring could i do the mod i usually do where i take off the o ring, then put electrical tape under it and put it back on?
ReplyDeletethank you SG Nerf. modded my stampede and it is awersome!!!! just gonna pad the plunger and increase RoTF then i'll be happy with it. also looking forward to the brass breech, thanks
ReplyDeleteHello, I have a question, I just opened up my stampede, modded it, and put a BBB spring in. I did not do any modifications to the voltage, and kept the d batteries in the gun. I started shooting the gun, and halfway through the 1st shot the motor failed. I unscrewed the motor and tested it to make sure it wasn't the gears and it still wouldn't work. I think it is either the motor has broken, or faulty wiring but the motor seems fine externally and i dont want to cut the motors wiring so i can test it alone, do you have any idea what could have happened, and if you think the motor has broken what kind of a replacement motor would you suggest?
ReplyDeleteYou could try putting e-tape underneath the original o-ring to see if that improves the plunger seal. Just make sure the e-tape does not slip out during usage.
ReplyDeleteYour voltage is still at the original stock 9V with 6 x D-sized batteries?
If you refer to my Mod Guide's "Aftermarket Spring Replacement" section, i listed some tested effects and usage with the various higher load springs and one of the aspects you have to consider is the voltage vs spring load factor.
Your Stampede's motor with stock 9V power is probably not strong enough prime the BBB spring, so it looks like you need to increase the voltage to achieve the higher torque needed to prime that spring load.
well i actually replaced the bbb spring with the original spring, and it still does not work. however, i cut the wires attaching the motor to the gun and tested the motor directly to the battery tray and it works. somewhere from the battery tray to the motor i think there is a faulty wire, and that is what's causing it not to work.
ReplyDeletewhere do you buy the battery converters from???
ReplyDeleteBattery converters and holders can be sourced from electronics parts supply stores.
Whats the difference between protected and unprotected batteries?
ReplyDelete(you said you got unprotected aa's)
ReplyDeleteI followed your guide completely, but when I put my blaster back together, the dart wouldn't fire.
It just stayed in the plunger, so that when I took the clip out, the dart was still in.
COuld this be because of my plunger padding?
Also, I see no wear in my plunger, so I don't see how airflow could be a problem.
ReplyDeleteFor more info on the various battery types, check out my "Nerf Stampede Battery Guide" at the NerfSG forum:
ReplyDeleteCheck out the "Nerf Stampede - Troubleshooting Guide" at the NerfSG forum:
There are solutions posted in that thread that may help in solving the issues you are currently encountering.
Thanks, I ended up solving the problem myself. ;)
ReplyDeleteApparently, I had put the catch in facing the wrong way, so when the rod tried to latch on, it would slip.
I reversed it, and it now succesfully shoots.
Thanks for your help!
ReplyDeleteWould it be possible for you to put together a modding package for sale on this website that has the O-ring, padding, spring, etc that you use? I for one would definitely buy such a package as I can't find many of the parts that you use anywhere around here.
What are the specifications of the 9kg spring?
ReplyDeleteHey SGNerf, can you tell me the 9kg spring's diameter and length. Also, give me some specifications on the o ring u are using in the modded gun. Thanx.
ReplyDeleteYes, due to overwhelming requests, i'm in the midst of putting together a modding package for the Stampede.
I will announce it later on this site once i gather all the extra materials and equipment for the packages.
In the meantime, you can visit the NerfSG forum ( to track the latest developments in the various Stampede mods.
ReplyDeleteThe aftermarket spring dimensions i use are approx 0.9" OD and approx. 4" length, its around the same OD as the stock spring but slightly shorter so that it sits flush in the plunger casing (i prefer my springs to be abit more "relaxed" at rest). :)
ReplyDeleteAs mentioned in my recent comment, the aftermarket spring dimensions i use are approx 0.9" OD and approx. 4" length.
The aftermarket o-rings i use in my mods have an OD just slightly wider than the stock o-ring, you'll have to shop around for different o-rings to test for ideal fit as the plunger seals tend to differ even from unit to unit.
When you make the package, would it be possible to post it on My parents aren't too sure on those other websites. They usually buy from amazon for it is reliable. Also, if I modded it to receive 22V, AR is removed, air release seal is sealed, those other modifications (9kg load spring), would it melt the gun and/or burn out the motor. I would greatly appreciate that you tell. BTW, thanks for the wonderful replies. 8)
ReplyDeleteI have no plans to put my modding parts packages on sites like Amazon as the sales charges are too high.
I will be posting up the packages at my own site so modders can contact me directly to source for the parts.
Stay tuned for it. :)
So does the Big Bad Bow spring fit in the Stampede and does it improve its firing rate? Will the nitefinder spring also fit the Stampede?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the help and useful guide!
ReplyDeleteYes, modders have tested the Big Bad Bow and Nite Finder springs and they reportedly work in the Stampede too.
Stronger springs generally lower the rate-of-fire as it takes the motor more effort to compress higher load springs, hence the need to increase the voltage feed to handle the extra spring loads.
Hey SG Nerf, how much is the sales charge. I'm sure you can post it for you spent a lot of money on modding and the firearm.
ReplyDeleteIts not just the issue of sales charges or fees, the Amazon main site can only support USA-based sellers.
If you have not noticed by now, i am in Singapore, Amazon does not have a local site to support local seller accounts.
hey i did the mod but my gun is very loud even with the bumper pad is it because i never put the o ring?
ReplyDeleteIf you have removed the AR then it'll naturally become louder when firing, this is normal in modded blasters.
The soft padding is mainly to help protect the plunger tip, it doesn't really reduce the sound of the plunger impact though.
SGNerf, what is U.S.'s equivalent spring to your 9kg load spring. And when you said the gun was louder, how much are we talking there. Is 22volts too much? When I was going to mod my gun, I was thinking using 22 volts. Would it burn the motor and/or possibly melt the gun?
ReplyDeleteI have no idea of an equivalent spring that can be found in the States, you'll just have to source around for them.
With ARs removed, the Stampede will have a louder plunger impact sound, similar to when Longshots or Recons have their ARs removed.
From my firing tests, 22 Volts with the stock spring is indeed too fast for the Stampede and it becomes unreliable, check out my RoF testing update:
It explains how the different voltages and RoF affect the operation of the Stampede.
thanks man u r the best at mods:)
ReplyDeleteI can't find any of the padding besides the velcro kind will that work.
ReplyDeleteWell, you could try them out... but i'd still recommend using soft foam/rubber padding that are designed to absorb impact.
hey i use 18v do u think it is 2 high? btw your trustfire batt is 3.7 how come it can go up to 4.2v can all rechargeable batteries do that?
ReplyDeleteVoltage feed will depend on your individual blaster as each blaster is different. If you find that its circuitry can handle it reliably then you can use that voltage.
TrustFire Li-Ion rechargeable batteries are labeled at a nominal 3.7V, but when fully charged can hold up to 4.2V.
Different rechargeable batteries have different voltage characteristics.
ReplyDeleteDoes Felt Work.[Sorry for double Post]Also no rubber anti slip pads in my area only felt and velcro
ReplyDeleteSGNerf, what are the dimensions of the 6kg load spring. When I mod my gun, I can't seem decide what to choose 6kg or 9kg for the spring.
ReplyDeletedo you think it would be ok to use regular AA's instead?, I was thinking to buy the 2XAA to D converters.
ReplyDeleteFelt pads are perhaps too hard to be able to absorb impact properly. Try to find soft foam padding that are commonly used to pad furniture or cupboard doors, those can compress easily to absorb impact.
ReplyDeleteThe spring dimensions i use are around 0.9" in OD and around 4" in length.
The spring load will depend on how much voltage you are using, refer to the Mod Guide to see the effects of various spring loads on the RoF performance.
ReplyDeleteYes, you can use normal 1.5V AA alkaline batteries too, it'll just be more costly to keep buying new batteries. Rechargeables are more cost effective.
Note that the 2AA to D battery converters do not double the voltage, the batteries are in parallel so the voltage is the same as in AA to D converters, only the mAh capacity is doubled so they can last longer during usage.
Hi SGNerf,
ReplyDeleteThanks for making these great mod guides as well as being so responsive to people asking questions.
I am working on sourcing replacement springs for the Stampede here in the US and they want to know the wire diameter of the spring. I found the length (~4") and outer diameter (~0.9") on your guide, but didn't find any information on the actual wire diameter of the stock spring.
Would you be able to provide this information for us? Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteThe stock Stampede spring has different dimensions from the aftermarket springs i use.
Stock spring dimensions are 4.4" length, 0.8" OD and 0.05" wire diameter.
The aftermarket springs i use are slightly shorter for less compression at rest and abit wider to fit the plunger casing exactly, maximizing the plunger space. :)
For Padding will this work
ReplyDeleteThe material in the link you posted looks like Foam Backer Rod (FBR) material.
I guess it'll be quite similiar to using sections of foam darts or stefans to pad the plunger.
You could give it a try and see if it works for you.
so, how far have you got with the gear reinforcement/motor replacement mods?
ReplyDeleteI'm currently in the midst of testing various reinforcement methods, replacement and custom fabrication of the gears and rails.
Various high torque/high rpm DC motors are also being tested for reliability and suitability.
Brass breeches have also been made and are currently under testing too.
I will post updates once i've completed further modifications and tests on my Stampede units. :)
oh, well that sounds very promising :D
ReplyDeletepls try to release de modding package asap thanks :)
ReplyDeleteCheck at the NerfSG forum trading section, i have a sales thread there with Stampede Mod Upgrade Kits available.
Do you know of any mods to the drum mag itself to make it more reliable in the stampede? I suspect the jamming has something to do with the weakness of the spring.
ReplyDeleteMattlebad Rowan,
ReplyDeleteMy modded Stampedes fire perfectly with 35-dart drum magazines, jams occur very rarely.
If you encounter constant jamming issues then it either means your drum magazine is faulty (could be weakened springs or misaligned dart advancement mechanism) or some of the foam darts used are bent or damaged and slow down the dart advancement.
Hey SG, im new as a member, but have been a fan of your guides for a while. I was wondering if you could sell more than one type of upgrade kit for the stampede. For example, one with batterie replacement, quick release tray clips, plunger pad, and other upgrades you make as you turn the stampede into a monster :p. i tend to have a hard time finding parts on my own, and would rather use what you use so i dont destroy my stampede.
ReplyDeleteCheck my NerfSG forum sales thread with the Stampede Mod Upgrade Kits available.
If you require additional items, just include what you are looking for in the forum private message correspondence to me and i will see if its possible to add those in the package.
I was only able to find one upgrade kit that just included a spring, O-ring, and a mini spring on a thread posted by you. Do you have another thread with other kits, or should i contact you in another way to ask for other parts? Im new to the forums and have not figured out how to PM yet.
ReplyDeleteTo PM someone on a forum, find the PM link or button near the forum members nickname and click on it, then proceed to type your message to them and send. It's basically like an internal mail system for forums.
At this moment, i have only one version of my Stampede Mod Upgrade Kit available.
The other parts like batteries, converters and accessories are easily found at electrical/hardware shops or from online stores, and most modders already source and customise those parts on their own, so i don't keep multiple sets of those items to help reduce my inventory of modding materials.
Note that if you request for those other parts, i'll have to specifically make trips to stores to get them or order from online, which will take additional time.
Is this the kind of 4AA battery holder I need for this? I can't really tell by looking at the picture.
This is kind of square and not really 1D shape, but I guess it would fit in the slot?
ReplyDeleteThat 4AA battery holder in the link you posted looks similar to the ones i use too, so it should be able to sit within a D-battery slot in the Stampede's battery sled.
With the damping material in place, does it assures the Stampedes longevity as it is stock, or does it just prolongs its life until it finally gives up and has a hole punched in it?
ReplyDeleteOnce a blaster is modded, there is inevitably increased wear and tear, so adding padding or reinforcements are basically meant to help extend the lifespan of the components.
Modders have to accept that modded blasters will always have a higher chance of breaking or getting damaged during usage. :)
ReplyDeletedo post more on the progress of your Stampede mods, I'm planning on modding mine at the moment. Now I'm just trying to source out the parts and playing with colour schemes.
so as * i think * you've said on the earlier posts, the stock motor can handle the added voltage and resistance of the battery and spring. is that right?
and also IF/When your modded stampede does break, do tell how long it lasted.
thanks again.
ReplyDeleteSo far, i have fired close to 300+ clips from my modded Stampede in Nerf games and the stock motor still seems to be running well and the internal components are not showing any additional state of wear and tear yet.
So far so good... but only time will tell how long the setup will last.
I'll definitely update the site with usage data if and when any of my modded Stampedes do break. :)
Hey there, SG Nerf,
ReplyDeleteI have a problem with my stampede.
I upped the voltage to 18V with two rechargable 9v batteries, and it shot fine.
But then I took apart the gun, punched out the AR, stretched the spring, and put it back together.
Now it shoots farther, but only once. I put in the clip, and the first shot is fine, but there are 2 problems:
1)No more darts come out after the first one.
2)The motor keeps running, attempting to fire darts, but not for some reason, until I flip the safety switch.
When I pull back the jam door, something clicks into place, and then it shoots again. but still only once.
Do you have any idea what this could be?
Mattlebad Rowan,
ReplyDeleteMost likely you've installed the plunger catch plate wrongly.
The catch plate looks like an inverted digital "A" gate with a small spring on top.
The catch plate is supposed to be installed with the solid side and bottom ramp facing the plunger rod.
If installed the opposite way, the plunger rod would not be able to catch properly beyond the first shot.
Hope that helps! :)
@ sgnerf
ReplyDeletehi sg just wondering if u could post the link for the stampede mod kit thx
Ps. best blog by far
nerf depot,
ReplyDeleteHere is the direct link to my "Stampede Mod Upgrade Kits" at the NerfSG forum trading section:
Regarding the batteries, am I able to use protected Trustfire batteries? Or will the gun not get enough power from them or something
ReplyDeleteRyan =],
ReplyDeleteFrom my experience with protected TrustFire batteries, they don't seem to work with modded Stampedes that have stronger aftermarket springs, no matter how high the voltage feed is.
It seems the battery protection circuits restrict the discharge rate so they can't provide the necessary current to power the motor at higher loads.
So far, i've only experienced unprotected TrustFire batteries working properly with modded Stampedes that have stronger aftermarket springs.
Okay, would you reccomend any other brands besides the trustfire unprotected batteries? Black tactical is out of them and they are pretty slow in restocking stuff there
ReplyDeleteRyan =],
ReplyDeleteWell, so far i've only tested TrustFire unprotected batteries to work properly in the modded Stampedes.
For other battery brands, you'll have to test them to find out if they work, as different brands may vary in specifications.
ReplyDeleteI'm having a problem with my Stampede, I haven't even modded it yet! It fires on full auto, but when I release the trigger, and then fire it again, nothing. No sound, no action... and then it randomly starts working again later! I could use some assistance. Email is
ReplyDeleteSounds like you have a faulty Stampede unit, unless you are good at electronics and are able to troubleshoot the circuits, i'd advise you to simply exchange it at the store for a new working set.
ReplyDeleteI recently installed the mod guide that you sell with the 9kg spring. I have ordered the batteries needed but they have yet to come in. After installing the new spring and such with the normal voltage the stampede would fire bit slowly. Then after about 15 darts it wouldn't fire. It would sound like it was trying to. Then 15 minutes later it would fire again, then stop again much the same way. Could this possibly be that the gun is not getting the power it needs to repeatedly fire and just needs the unprotected trustfire batteries or do I have another problem? Like I said it sounds like it tries but can't.
Any thoughts?
SG Nerf,
ReplyDeleteI have one question. What is the outer diameter of the 6kg load spring, and what is the length of it? Thanks in advance!
I may be able to work on the circuits. I opened it up, and it looks somewhat straight forwards just need to figure out how the sensors work, so I can trick them all into declaring ready even if they aren't. Probably just need to replace them with some resistors, once I figure out how they work.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I get one of those springs?
ReplyDeleteone more question do u think that copper would work like brass ?
thx for all the previous answers
nerf depot
ReplyDeleteAs mentioned in my earlier comments, the aftermarket springs i use are around 0.9" in OD and around 4" in length.
ReplyDeleteAs mentioned in my earlier comments, check at the NerfSG forum trading section, i currently have a sales thread there with Stampede Mod Upgrade Kits available.
Here is the direct link:
nerf depot,
ReplyDeleteIt depends on the dimensions of the copper tubes you are using, you will just have to test them out.
Any tube material can work, it just depends on their dimensions and whether they fit your particular mods and foam darts.
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming you are using regular Alkaline batteries?
If so, then most likely the reason why the motor can't run properly is because the regular Alkaline batteries you are using don't have a high enough discharge rate to power the motor to run at higher load currents, hence the insufficient torque output from the motor.
The TrustFire batteries are high voltage and unprotected, thus allowing higher discharge rates to power the motor at higher loads.
You could also test your Stampede with RC car batteries which are designed for high discharge rates too, those should also be able to work similarly.
Hi sg Nerf,
ReplyDeleteDoes replacing the spring with a stronger spring decrease the durability of the plunger on the Stampede and cause to break?
ReplyDeleteModifying a blaster with stronger springs, increasing voltage or removing limiters will naturally add more stress and impact to the parts, which will in turn increase the wear and tear on the components.
If you plan to mod a blaster, do accept the fact that there is a higher chance of the blaster parts breaking or becoming damaged in the course of modding and usage.
I have a spring that i have used on many nightfinders, and has increased their power by far. However, i have no idea what the load is on it, or how to measure it and get a general idea if it is too strong. Do you know how i find the strength on it?
ReplyDeleteI guess the only way to find out accurately is to bring it to a spring supply store or manufacturer to get it load tested.
How thick does the plunger padding need to be, and how many pads do you need?
ReplyDeletehey im a huge nerf fan and fellow modder. how can i get the nerf barricade. i live in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteThe plunger padding should be at most 1-2mm thick and made of soft impact absorbing material that is able to compress flat easily.
Don't use padding that is too thick as that may interfere with the operation of the blaster.
ReplyDeleteThe Nerf Barricade is not available in stores yet.
If I used a strong cut kitchen sponge that easily compresses to pad the plunger would it work?
ReplyDeleteHey, I beat you to the punch on the minimization.
ReplyDeleteWell, i guess you'll have to test that out to see if it works.
Though if possible, i'd still recommend using soft padding that are designed to absorb impact.
ReplyDeleteNice job on your minimized Stampede! :)
so where exactly could i get a 9kg load spring? iv checked at lowes and a few other hardware stores, but they dont have anything like that. what kind of store could i get those from?
ReplyDeleteAll the aftermarket springs i use are custom ordered from industrial spring manufacturers in my area. They are not available from hardware stores or from online sites.
If you are looking for 9kg aftermarket springs for the Stampede, i currently have Stampede Mod Upgrade Kits available at my sales thread at the NerfSG forum trading section:
I was modifying my gun and I got impatient waiting for the glue to dry. I put my plunger in the oven at 170F. and it destroyed it. It's all bent and even with heat I can't get it to straighten out.
ReplyDeleteAny suggestions on how to make/buy a new one? Is there anyone that has an extra they can sell me? I paid 60USD for the gun less than a week ago and I already can't use it.
ReplyDeleteJust buy a new Stampede set... and please don't put plastic Nerf blaster parts in the oven again.
Hello SG Nerf,
ReplyDeleteI recently joined your site due the quality of your reviews and the plentiful amount of good help and advice you provide. You are indeed one of the more polite members of the online Nerfing community.
That being said, I had a polite question to ask. I was wondering what the status of your further modification testing was; I may just be oblivious, but I don't think I've seen any update in the status of your further tests. Since this is of great interest to me, I thought you wouldn't mind a quick question on whether you've found them feasible.
Thanks for all your time and reviews!
I thought about it, and it would be nice to have a spare everything, but I don't think I could justify it.
ReplyDeleteAre there any cheaper guns that use the same part?
John Colin,
ReplyDeleteI only post up Modded blasters and Mod guides on my site when i have complete projects done, tested and properly documented.
If you are keen to observe the discussions and testing process of my on-going modding projects, visit the NerfSG forum:
Thats where i usually post my prototypes and in-progress modding discussions with other modders. :)
ReplyDeleteSo far, i have not seen any other blasters that use the exact same plunger rod as the Stampede, so either you have to DIY one or just buy a new set (keep the existing set for spare parts and extra clips).
Hi SG Nerf,
ReplyDeleteI have your mod kit on order and can't wait! Couple of questions:
I bought a charger for my unprotected 14500 batteries. It doesn't have any auto shutoff or 'fully charged' indicators. How can I tell when I should take them off the charger so they don't get overcharged?
Also, in the picture of your kit you have a small spring pictured along with the plunger spring (looks about the size of a pen spring). What is that for? I don't see it in your guide here.
ReplyDeleteYou have to use "smart" Li-Ion chargers to charge unprotected Li-Ion rechargeable batteries, or else they may get overcharged and damaged with dangerous consequences.
If your charger has no auto-shutoff feature, then i suggest you don't use that charger. You would have to use a multimeter to keep testing each battery constantly during charging to make sure they are not charged above 4.2V, which is a very tedious process.
I use the TrustFire TR-001 charger which has LED indicators and auto-shutoff feature when the batteries are charged. I would highly recommend that charger.
Read my Stampede Battery Guide at the NerfSG forum for more information:
As for the small aftermarket spring included in my Stampede Mod Upgrade Kit, that's the plunger catch control spring, it is an important upgrade spring to ensure proper operation of modded Stampedes. Here is the link to the installation process:
im just wondering do u do 6 battery converters with 24 batteries or just one converter with 4 batteries
ReplyDeleteIt depends on the voltage output of your batteries and what voltage you want to feed to the motor, and the load of the spring.
Its possible to simply link many batteries in a series together to add them up to as much voltage that you need, but using alot of batteries is heavy and expensive.
Thats why i use the TrustFire Li-Ion rechargeable batteries, like i mentioned in the mod guide, they have higher voltage output and high discharge rate, are light-weight and don't take up much space.
But i'm curious, why do you mention using 24 batteries... even with 1.5V Alkalines, that'll add up to 30V feed to the motor, way too high for any reliable operation.
Read this guide for some test findings on higher voltage in Stampedes with stock springs:
Hi. I live in Singapore too. Just wondering, where did you buy that aftermarket spring? I've been to black tactical but they ain't selling them yet.
ReplyDeleteI source and custom order all my aftermarket springs from local industrial spring manufacturers.
As mentioned many times in the comments, i currently have Stampede Mod Upgrade Kits available at my sales thread at the NerfSG forum trading section:
Here is a mod ive been thinking about for a while, but dont have the resources to do. Rev a stampedes voltage as high as you can. put in an accordingly strong spring, and replace whatever parts you can that "Scream for help", and then restrict it to semi-auto. this would almost eliminate the lag between the pull of the trigger to the time the dart is fired, give it a possibility for crazy high power, while still keeping it reliable. i think its the kind of project you could do. does it make sense or do i not explain it properly?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your help so far
ReplyDeleteWell, during my modding tests, i've already modded Stampedes with even higher load springs and higher voltage feeds to get them to fire further, and have broken many Stampedes units in the process.
Alot more reinforcements and parts replacements will definitely need to be done for them to handle higher spring loads and voltages reliably. Its all a matter of how much time and money a modder would want to spend on doing so.
Though having to restrict modded Stampedes to a semi-auto mode just to achieve a few more ft in range kinda sacrifices the core capability of a Stampede as i find it most effective in games as a burst fire or full auto blaster.
Of course, its up to individual preference and gameplay style, just like how some modders like to single Longshots, which sacrifice the clip feed ability to get abit more range.
thanks for the help, i was only wondering because i didnt know if you were supposed to fill up the stampede's battery holder or not. however upon closer examination of the mod guide i realize my post was nonsensical since you are right th voltage would be too high. My bad.
ReplyDeleteHi, I was wondering would the foam top of a BBB arrow trimmed down to a good length work as plunger padding? it's the most convenient material for me as my BBB can't shoot arrows anymore.
ReplyDeleteIts possible, some modders use that method for plunger padding too. You can try it out and see if it works well for your modded blasters.
Is there some way to make the firing cycle stop when the spring is primed? This would eliminate the lag on the first shot.
ReplyDeleteI guess its possible, but that would mean that you have to somehow mod the firing mechanism to stop the bolt before it fully chambers the foam dart (just before the plunger rod catch is released to fire it), it'll require more tweaking and modding within the motor and gearing mechanism.
If you figure it out, do post up your methods.
Anyways, with higher voltage and high discharge rate Li-Ion batteries, i already get almost instant firing response, which eliminates any noticeable lag that usually occurs when using normal alkaline batteries.
Hi SG nerf,
ReplyDeleteExactly which shop did you buy the volkmar-fix padding from? I paid a visit to a total of 8 hardware shops, including a home-fix store, but could not find any of those paddings.
Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteI get the 20mm Volkmar-Fix padding from HomeFix stores.
If you can't find it in a particular HomeFix outlet, then it just means they are out-of-stock. Simply go to another outlet to get them.
Hey, SGNerf, I want to ask for your opinion. What if Nerf ever made a N-Strike blaster with an appearance, power, range and rate-of-fire similar to a M134 minigun? Because such a thought randomly popped into my mind when I was playing Call of Duty. (and I was firing a minigun)
ReplyDeleteWell, you might be interested in the following video... a japanese Nerf modder converted his Nerf Vulcan into a M134-like blaster:
so how do you get the air ristrictor out very confusing
ReplyDeleteAs mentioned in the mod guide, take a long screwdriver and a hammer, poke it into the plunger and bolt, then knock out the air restrictor. Its that simple. :)
Concerning the batteries, You mentioned that brands other than the trustfire would work, such as RC batteries with high discharge rates. Ive looked around at some of the hobby shops in my area but it doesnt seem like any carry (or know about) batteries with high discharge rates. How can you recognize these batteries and how do you know how much voltage-to-discharge would work? would something like this work?
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for taking so much time to not only create these wonderful guides, but to also answer all these questions. :)
ReplyDeleteOkay, we have to first establish the amount of current draw required by the Nerf Stampede's motor to pull a 9kg spring.
I have tested with a multimeter and the current draw is approx. 2.2-2.4A (when firing at full-auto with 9kg spring installed).
The discharge rate of a battery is usually indicated by manufacturers as a C-Rate or in actual Amps (A).
If the battery description comes with a C-Rate, then you can calculate the max constant discharge rate with this formula:
C-Rate x Ah = Max constant discharge rate in Amps.
If the battery shows a spec with the actual Amp value, then you can just compare it with the current draw requirement of the modded Stampede.
In the case of that Li-Po battery pack from the link that you posted, i spot a "40A" value in the battery description, which most likely means it should have more than enough discharge rate to power the Stampede motor with 9kg spring (which only requires 2.2-2.4A). :)
Hi, small question about the spring strength. When you say a 9 kg spring, are you referring to a spring that is 9 kg/cm (requires a weight of 9 kg to compress it by 1 cm), or is that the total amount the spring is compressed by when the spring is compressed the greatest in the gun?
ReplyDeleteSorry if this is a noob question, I've only ever seen springs being spec'd as xx kg/cm or lb/in before.
ReplyDeletei noticed with my modded stampede, the stock nerf darts often veer or spiral out of control after being fired.
Is this an issue with my air seals or do i need to install a custom barrel to rectify this issue, or just get weighted n customed darts?
ReplyDeleteWhen i mentioned 9kg load spring i refer to the approximate amount of weight it takes to compress the spring fully.
Shi Yun.
ReplyDeleteNerf streamline foam darts are naturally unbalanced and inaccurate, and their inaccuracy is even worse when used in modded blasters.
For higher accuracy, modders custom calibrate their own foam darts with better foam quality and proper weight balance to match the power of their blasters.
Hey SGN,
ReplyDeletei am also experiencing similar problems with the stock darts after modding the stampede.
Do you have any recommendations on where to get the foam materials? Also what would be the optimal dart weight ratio for a 9kg load spring, ar removed stampede? Thnx
Y Q,
ReplyDeleteWell, just an example, the most accurate foam darts i currently use for my modded Nerf Stampedes are converted from a 3rd party brand of foam darts called SDL, they have slightly wider outer diameter compared to Nerf foam darts (hence a better bolt seal), and the foam is lighter in weight too. The tip weight i use is usually around 0.5 grams (half a gram, measured with a micro precision scale).
The accuracy with those calibrated foam darts is such that my shots can consistently hit a small tin can at 30ft and a basketball sized target at 50ft. The foam darts fly straight, no swerving or spiraling.
Both the foam and tip weight have to be balanced, so you need to just make many different variants from various foam that you can find and test with your modded blasters until you get the right combination.
Check my foam dart conversion guide for some ideas:
hey sg, i know you probably get this question alot so sorry. but my stamepede has a 18 volt mod. and a spring addition but the total is about 6-7 kg. it wont stop shooting,and onley the first one left the barrel.
ReplyDeleteCheck the plunger catch plate that sits behind the plunger, you probably installed it facing the wrong direction so its not catching properly. Flip it so that the solid side faces the plunger.
thanks for the help, but what about how it wont stop shooting?
ReplyDeleteTry this solution:
If that doesn't help, then it means your bolt assembly is somehow not returning back to the starting position fast enough to reset the circuit, so the faster spinning gear keep catching it halfway and firing in a never-ending loop.
There are discussions on various solutions at the Stampede troubleshooting thread in the NerfSG forum:
So if i plug in that battery with a 40A discharge rate, when the modded stampede only needs 2.2-2.4A, would it overload the circuits? Or would the power sent to the motor depend on the Volts of the batteries?
ReplyDeleteAre the Amps the measurement for "possible" energy draw then? like the motor will only draw 2.4Amps from either a 10 or a 40Amp battery?
Sorry, im completely new to all these battery terms and its all a little confusing. Thanks for your time.
ReplyDeleteWell, from what i've seen, the 2.2-2.4A discharge rate seems to be the average current draw from various batteries that i've tested with modded Stampedes (when they use a 9kg load spring).
In theory, a battery with 40A discharge rate probably indicates that its maximum discharge rate limit is 40A, so it should be usable for devices that draw up to 40A.
I guess you'll have to test and see, 'cos different batteries have their own unique characteristics.
Have you tried changing the motor or the gears to make the firing sequence faster?
ReplyDeleteI'm currently testing various aftermarket motor setups, but i'm focusing more on getting increased torque (for pulling heavier springs) rather than for higher speed.
The reason why higher RoF speed is a secondary focus for me is because even if the blaster can fire very fast, the clip system can't feed the foam darts fast enough reliably to match the speed anyways and jams occur a lot at the higher RoF speeds.
I'm currently using 16.8V from unprotected high discharge rate Li-Ion batteries with 9kg load aftermarket spring. With just the stock motor i'm already getting an nice RoF of around 6-7 shots per second which i find ideal for Nerf games, and which the clip system can still handle with minimal jams.
Hey sg, i just got and modded a stampede today and i was wondering how far along you are in developing a brass breech for it. no one i've seen has done a successful brass breech for it yet.
ReplyDeleteYou can check out my discussion thread about the latest Stampede Brass Breech modding developments at the NerfSG forum:
Hi SG,
ReplyDeleteI've read your guides for the stampede and the barricade several times and I was wondering if in both cases the battery upgrade requires a 900 mAh battery at 3.7 volts or if it would ok to up the battery amperage to 2200 or 3000 mAh.
I ask this mainly because it seems pretty hard to obtain the specific batteries that you mention in your guides in my region, and the best substitute I can find online from a non-shady website are these:
If they will work for both upgrades, let me know so I can pick them up (or if you know of a verified sellers of 14500's too, that would be great). I appreciate your help and thank you greatly for doing so much work in making nerf guns badass. Thanks man.
look, for those who are supposedly having trouble finding the batteries like the ones SG is using (although I don't see how, Google "unprotected rechargeable battery", no quotes, and it's pretty much the 1st result), check out this link:
ReplyDeleteThey're the same size (14500) and voltage (3.7V), the only difference is the name.
ReplyDeleteThe mAh of batteries mainly determines how long they can last, so you can use batteries with higher mAh and they will simply be able to last longer.
As for the Tenergy 18650 batteries shown in the Amazon link that you posted, note that their 18650 size is much larger than 14500 size (AA sized) batteries.
Click this link for a scale comparison example between the various battery sizes:
18650-size batteries can still be used but since they are much larger, you'll need to mod further to custom fit them into the Stampede.
For the Barricade you'd probably need to mount the larger battery stack outside of the casing.
For convenience and compatibility with more gadgets, i find that 14500-size batteries are still better to use.
Here are the links to the online site that i order all my 14500 size unprotected TrustFire batteries and Li-Ion chargers from:
TrustFire Unprotected 14500 3.7V 900mAh Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries (2-Pack):
TrustFire TR-001 Multi-Purpose Li-Ion Battery Charger:
The site offers free worldwide shipping, but do note that their delivery times can sometimes take a while so you'll have to be patient with them.
Thanks SG and Jenco,
ReplyDeleteI did google it and the only ones that I found were from dealextreme, but I was put off by both their paypal only payment options and the insanely cheap airmail... it just seemed a little shady. If you've used them though that puts my worries at ease a bit. I appreciate the quick response time and can't wait to try everything out. Thanks guys.
SGNerf: Can't see where you posted the aftermarket sourcing for parts.
ReplyDeleteCheck the "Modification Materials Thread" at the NerfSG forum.
I cannot register on the nerfsg site for some reason (no validation email comes to me), can someone link the spring so I can purchase it?
ReplyDeleteYou should try and make the stampede burst fire! that would be cool
ReplyDeleteMake sure you key in your correct email address during the forum account registration, and also check the spam folder in your inbox.
ReplyDeleteWell, although the Stampede doesn't have dedicated switchable firing modes.... it can be fired in single-fire, burst-fire or full-auto by simply regulating the amount of time the trigger is pulled, works well for me. :)
ReplyDeleteNope, the Raider spring is too wide to fit into the Stampede plunger.
Do you see any benefit in changing out the Stampede's "grooved" stock barrel for a smooth one? Or will that just cause more friction?
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to get a second opinion before going out and buying the materials, and thanks for answering my questions.
ReplyDeleteIn theory, the grooves in the barrel supposedly help to reduce the amount of internal surface contact with the foam darts, compared to a smooth barrel internal surface.
I guess you could try installing a smooth surfaced barrel to see if there is any significant difference in performance.
hey sg nerf,
ReplyDeletethanks for the really comprehensive modding guide (although a video tutorial would be even better xD).
just wondering, how should I attach my 20mm foad pad to the plunger? Would epoxy, super, or hot glue work?
Rahul Devanarayanan,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback. :)
I prefer to do written guides 'cos i can update the guide information easily whenever i discover modded blaster operating issues or successfully implement new modding methods and techniques (can't edit uploaded videos as easily or quickly).
As for the foam padding, the ones i use have adhesive backing so they can stick on the plunger tip. If i use craft foam, i just add double-sided tape to attach the foam on.
The reason why i use tape to attach them on is because its easy to remove them later and replace with a new one. Plunger padding usually tends to wear out after some usage so i regularly open up my blasters to do padding replacements and general maintainence.
I'm thinking about using the following battery pack to power the Stampede ( My plan is to open the pack and rearrange the cells to fit in the battery tray. Do you think the 1.3 amp output will burn the motor out?
ReplyDeletethere is so much lubrication on the plunger is needs super glue or epoxy! can you get those pads you used in the us? I don't have any rubber ones.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if taking apart an existing battery pack is a good idea as i'm not familiar with such battery packs designed for drills.
I assume the "1.3amp" rating refers to the capacity of the battery pack, if so then its 1,300 mAh, therefore that would just indicates how long it can last.
There is no indication of max current discharge rate either (which determines if it can provide enough current to power the Stampede's motor to pull various spring loads).
I guess you could just try it out... but do be careful when taking apart battery packs, don't short circuit or damage the batteries in the process.
ReplyDeleteClean off the existing plunger grease before attaching the padding, then re-apply suitable grease before assembling it back.
You can find similar foam padding at hardware stores everywhere, look in the sections selling foam bumpers to protect furniture. Alternatively, you could also get craft foam from hobby shops to use too.
i did the air restrictor mod then put my gun together but its not shooting forward it just stays in the barrel. do i have to do all the other mods?
ReplyDeleteMake sure you installed back the plunger catch plate properly (the plastic gate with a small spring behind the plunger tube). In addition, the solid side of that catch plate is supposed to face the plunger.
does any one know where to get gearbox replacements for stampede ecs?
ReplyDeleteHi sgnerf
ReplyDeleteIf i put a 13 kg spring and 3.7v trustfure batteries
How many batteries can I put
ReplyDeleteFor the 13kg spring, 4 x fully charged TrustFire batteries (total 16.8V) is still sufficient enough to power the motor at a good RoF.
Hey SG, got a technical question for you;
ReplyDeleteI've done most of the basic mods - minus the spring replacement (don't know how to reinforce it, nor where to aquire a 9kg load spring from).
I've chosen to use 10x AA Batteries to up it to 15v (simple to aquire and replace) and it has been going great for a week now, but today when I turned it on I found an issue where it will continue to auto fire even after I release the trigger?
Just wondering if you could provide me with some advice; whether its an electrical fault, even a sign of "too many volts = meltdown", possibly a mechanical part causing the issue, or if you happen to know any solutions to the problem?
Also while it is stuck auto-firing, by turning the power off mid-firing, it shouldn't cause much (if any) damage would it? (Better than letting it dry fire I suppose in either case...)
ReplyDeleteOne of the causes of Stampedes "auto-running" could be a mis-aligned catch control spring, as detailed in this following link:
If its not the plunger catch control spring that's causing the "auto-running" issue, then the other main cause is because your plunger return speed is not fast enough.
Check the following parts:
1) Black return plunger spring too weak. Replace with stronger version or temporarily stretch it abit to increase spring load.
2) Plunger o-ring too wide or not enough o-ring lube, resulting in too much friction causing slowdown in plunger return. Replace o-ring or re-lube the plunger.
3) Plunger to casing contact is too tight (due to manufacturing variation or mis-alignment of parts fit), resulting in added resistance. Apply lube to the contact areas or trim the areas to loosen the fit.
You can read more about the various causes and solutions to this issue at the NerfSG forum "Nerf Stampede - Troubleshooting Guide" thread, start from this following post link and read onwards:
Hope that helps! :)
Please post a 3 round burst mod for the stampede, if you can.
ReplyDeleteJust a couple questions.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I was wondering if there was a permalink to the upgrade kit you talked about because I couldn't find the sales and trade thread you talked about.
Also I was wondering if putting strong magnets along the side of the Stampede will deteriorate function of the gun,taking into account the springs and motors. I'm trying to make a magnetic holster system is why.
ReplyDeleteYou can refer to my Nerf sales thread at the NerfSG forum trading section:
As for putting magnets to the sides of the Stampede, i've no idea if it affects the function of the blaster. I guess you could try it out and see. :)
ReplyDelete3 round burst mod? As in pull the trigger once then let got and the blaster will automatically fire 3 shots and then stop?
Well, that would probably require some tweaking or work-around on the trigger system or electronics, including adding a mode selector switch.
Anyways... by default, to fire 3 shots, users would just simply pull the trigger until 3 shots are fired then release the trigger. So a dedicated burst-fire switch was probably omitted from the Stampede for simplicity. :)
can you post a link to your mod kit for me? thx =D
ReplyDeletealso, is the plastic pin-like thing that goes into the dart necessary for proper function. mine came out when clearing the air restrictor
ReplyDeleteThe plastic dart post in the bolt is designed to help position the foam dart and reduce the deadspace in the hollow foam when firing. It is not a crucial component and can be removed without affecting the blaster operation.
If you plan to use customized foam darts (ie. stefans) made from solid core foam backer rod (FBR), then the plastic dart post would need to be removed for those kind of foam darts to fit.
As for my Stampede Mod Upgrade Kit, you can refer to my Nerf sales thread at the NerfSG forum trading section:
SG Nerf,
ReplyDeleteWould modifying the RoF damage the plunger or other internals?
ReplyDeleteAny performance modifications done to blasters will inevitably increase the wear and tear on the parts, so there is always a higher chance of damage occuring.
Modders have to accept this when they work on blaster projects.
As always... mod at your own risk! :)
OK, thanks and what about connecting the wires to the battery tray, how did you do it?
ReplyDeleteI simply used electrical tape to attach the battery holder wiring to the battery sled contacts.
Thanks for all the help :D and it is a brilliant blog keep up the good works (y)
ReplyDeletehey, just a side note. For you people who use regular alkaline batteries i've found with my mods on the stampede that using 24 volts gets approximately the same rof as in the video shown the reason for this is that the alkaline batteries have lower discharge rates.
ReplyDeleteHow is your 16V/9kg holding up in the long run? I got a Stampede and I'm debating voltage/spring balances for my next mod.
ReplyDeleteSo far, that voltage and aftermarket spring combination has been very reliable... after months of Nerf game usage, all my modded Stampedes are still running well.
is the plunger padding felt or plastic?
ReplyDeleteThe plunger padding i use are a dense foam/rubber compound material that can compress flat easily.
So I live in Australia, any where else I can get these Volkmar-Fix pads from? or know of a site online?
ReplyDeleteWell, just check at the hardware stores around your area. If you can't find the exact same brand, just try various other brands of soft foam padding which have similar texture and material (they must be soft enough to be able to compress flat).
You can usually find such items at store sections that stock padding to protect furniture.